Saturday, April 05, 2003

Scriptwriting is not as easy as I thought it would be. It is not about writing down the sentences.... but rather it is about creating a show in your mind and putting it down on disc. Hmm... it is hard to concentrate when I've been replaying Survivor 3 in my head. Yeah, I'm one of those realistic show voyuer thing fan. The thing about these shows is that they are very addictive. At first we are contemptuous of it, but once you watch it you are hooked. It is the element of not knowing which way the ball will fall that keeps us coming back for more. I hate the fact that I'm so glued to this show yet I still watch it and think about who should and should not win. For my part I must vote that Rob should not be allowed to win. That guy is disgusting. He is sneaky, arrogant, jealous of others' abilities which I must say is better than his, and also a up-your-ass-in-you-face sexist! I really detest the guy and the way he is playing the others against themselves... well, he may seem to be in the lead in this show but I'm sure that once he gets out people will see him in a different light. He is like that LOTR The Two Towers Snake Wormtongueor something, the advisor for the King. Gosh he is such a horrible person. I was sorry to see Dave voted out. He was the strongest of the lot and they were threatened by this. The survival of the fittest is certainly not the case here but rather the survival of the aberrant is more like it. Okay, okay so I watch Survivor. So what? I'm human therefore quite tempted to see and understand the failings of others so that I can pat myself on the back and think to myself, "At least I'm not that bad." Gee humans are pathetic, aren't we?

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