Saturday, April 05, 2003

Blooging smlogging... yeah right...
It worked, it worked it worked!!!! Blogging is not that hard. I'm actually thinking of creating my own template on dreamweaver. But the only question here is "Will my laptop be able to handle the stress of such a powerful programme?" My laptop has not been the same eversince I sent it to the clinic a few months back to change a few hardwares coz it kaputted on me. I did use it to edit some Premier projects though... so there shouldn't be any hiccups when I load up Dreamweaver. I think the ultimate test would be to use Director on my laptop again and see how glitchy it may be. Hmm... I miss doing work on Director. I prefer Director anytime than Flash... why? Coz I just do. I've been looking through my old work and I began to wonder why the heck did I not continue with my multimedia studies... sigh... not that I'm all that great but at least I enjoyed doing all of them. Plus getting a Distinction on them is a major turn on.... Hmm.... My food for thought last monday.

Went to catch Dreamcatcher with a few friends last night. Estella called me up at the last minute to drag me to the movies with Jaymee, Tom, and her. Hmmm... either they did a poor piss job of rewriting Stephen King's work or the story sucks big time. The way the movie was marketted, one would expect to see a better plot and something not so predictable. After all the name Stephen King is tagged on. Blech... not scary at all. Went there anticipating to be scared till my haor curled but instead I came out criticising everything. Tom fell asleep half way and I was bored enough to entertain the idea of emulating him. Waste of time.... this is one of those movie that belongs in the fake vcd section, and not the ticket stubs dept.

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