Saturday, June 07, 2003

Days when I'm just BLECH

I'm in a pretty low place right now that I'm beginning to hate myself for not being a better person. I had so many grand plans but there were all castles in the sky. Blech... I feel so disgusted with myself. I wish I were that other alter ego that sometimes manifests herself in me. Why can't I be that person ALL the time, then I wouldn't be in this predicament. Sigh. My sis just tallied my 'account' with her and the debt is huge. I'm talking thousands. I have no idea how long it is gonna take me to pay her back and the fact that I can't pay her back just yet is driving me crazy. Where is the power girl that I know I can be?

As usual I went for my aerokick session. It was good, very sweaty and all. We had a new instructor, Rio, who took over for Noor who is on holiday. Rio's pretty good as well. Her moves were different, faster but simpler. But what was UNUSUAL was me being steamed alive in the steam room. Since I took a hot bath before going in, I didn't realised how hot it was when I first went in. After 5 mins, I started to feel the skin under my nails burning, like it was being cooked. Alarmed, I literally jumped up and the disturbance in the steamy air was enough to alert me to how HOT the steam actually was. I quickly duck under a warm to cool shower to bring my temperature down. Five minutes was all it took to cook me in my skin. My whole left side started splotching with thick red webbed marks. Luckily I had my face in my arms, so it wasn't that burned. When I saw the splotches, I was appalled. I marched to the consultant's room and ran a peal over her head. Apparently the temperature controls are operated by the cleaners! No wonder! But still they should have been advised NOT to cook their clients, right?! Sheesh...

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