Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Carpe Noctum

I've been having a lot of LATE nights lately and I'm bone wearied. I've been babysitting during the day and doing my own thing at night. It is the only time when I can get some quality time with my inner self. I guess I can be termed as 'hongsim' a hokkien term for somebody who doesn't want the fun to end, in my case I didn't want the day to end, so I seized my nights.

Just finished the last of the POSTAM articles for Zona. Did some freelancing for her. I've been taking my own sweet time so much so that it annoyed her I asked for the latest deadline she could give. (Her irritation had some help from an external stimulus as I later discovered online.) I could feel the annoyed vibes coming from my cell phone, which of course triggered my own irritation. Action reaction, that's me. Well, it got me all huffy so I finished the last one straight away after her sms and emailed them to her right after.

Later we chatted online.

Tomorrow I have to go over to Lee Na's again to baby-sit. This is going to continue way until next month. I think by that time I'll be dead.

Was supposed to go back to Kota Bharu later today as today is my dad's 14th anniversary but miscommunications and bad timing stopped that from happening and now I have to burn RM200 because I can't get a refund on my tickets. Had this whole 'talk' with my sis online about it which escalated into a sling fest about my mom. Sigh. I'm tired. I'm finally gonna sleep earlier tonight.

AND I didn't get the Trix job. I got a rejection email today. sigh...

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