Saturday, November 01, 2003

Going back to our roots

Mauritius is out - too expensive. Everything is paid in US dollars. Apparently it is a playgrounds for Americans. Bah. I was so looking forward to the hot sun, tanning, and crystal clear waters. Sigh. I had envisioned myself in one of those huts with the sea as a backyard... darn it. Anyway, destination/reality check. Instead we night go to Shanghai. I know, the scare is still there but the air fare is only RM900, compared to Mauritius' RM2000 plus.

I think it might be nice to see China. There are many gorgeous sights to see and apparently the shopping is fantastic. But honestly, I'm not interested in shopping. I just want to see mountains and valleys and historical buildings. That sort of stuff and I hardly think Shanghai is the place. It is just like KL. Why fly all the way there and experience Kay-hell. *pfftt*

So now, I have another destination in mind. Club Med Phuket. I think that is a real nice alternative. *grin* I went online to check the prices but no cookie. Looks like I'll have to call up the travel agent again. I know Phuket is great coz I've already been there 3 times. But Club Med should even be greater with so many activities to indulge in. I know where I'll be most of the time - the archery range! Ooooo, I can't wait to notch my arrows!

O'tay, enough blogging. I gotta go get ready to go out with zona and friends. The plan is for Nouvo *grimace* But I'm hopping that the destination will change to somewhere less sardine-packed-like. Somewhere like Bliss. We will see. Later people.

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