Friday, November 07, 2003

A little carpentry project to make my day

*Phew* I just spent the whole afternoon making a platform for Patches to sleep on. First I had to hunt for logs and planks to make that special sleeping place for my baby. Since monsoon is here - the rain floods half of my porch - he'll need it to sleep in relative comfort. He is old and stiff. Poor thing. I watch him every morning and I think he is still adorable. I love Patches. *grin*

Anyway, I salvaged the planks from an old shelf and got the 'legs' by sawing the frame into small blocks. I really enjoyed doing carpentry again even though it is such a simple project. The hammering was the most satisfying and annoying thing. I love the stress-buster effect but the damn nails weren't strong enough to push through the cenggal wood. *grin* Yeah I got my hands on a very strong wood. All the better for my baby.

I ached from sawing through the cenggal blocks... och, my shoulders... anyway, so there I was, proudly positioning the platform in a corner when Patches came over to inspect my work. He was eager to get on, sniffing here and there. But he didn't get on until I arranged his blanket on it. I was so proud when he got on and settled down.

HAH! Later I found him back under the car, his usual spot. *sigh* All my hard work and he prefers to sleep under the car? He'll probably ditch that spot soon when the rain creeps up later...

Yes, I can hold a hammer. I even know how to lift it up and hammer in a nail. *gasp* Straight in too. Hmmph.

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