Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Compounded by a randomly efficient system

I finally dragged my butt to JPJ to put in my application for the new Identity Smart Card or whatever they call it. Zona came to fetch me at 6.45am in the morning and together we braved the supposedly long ordeal. We got there at 7am and there was already a long line forming, from the door to the stairwell and then to the outer doors - we were number 54 and 55 - all this before 7am. @__@ Comparingly, being in the 50 - 60 category is quiet good. If we had arrived just 5 munites later, we would have been in the 100 category I kid you not.

So there we were, lining up between an indian couple and a couple of 'aiyoh aunties', one of which whom mistook Zona for a "malay girl". Zona was most bothered by that tag. Must be the lighting, and old eyes. Haha. We were assured of a proper queue with the vigilant old eyes watching queue jumpers and wrinkled mouths repeating "Hello, the line starts back there la!"

When we finally got to the counters, only two were opened. As the 30 min slots went by, more counters opened and pretty soon the numbers were flashing at a set pace. Then it was our turn. Zona got her's done in a zip. Mine was a little s-l-o-w-e-r. Sigh. I got the uncle counter. The one who takes a million years to type and recheck anc recheck again. Then he got up and went to another computer and stood there looking at it, not touching it or whatever, just looking. Then he came back and said, "You have to pay compound RM30. You suppose to change your IC when you were 18. Now have to pay fine. 30 ringgit ah." I opened my mouth to ask why I had to pay the fine when Zona didn't, but I took out three reds instead and handed them to the uncle. Sigh... what is this? I got randomly picked to make their strongbox heavier by 30 ringgit. Sheesh.

Bayaran Pemprosesan - 10.00
Bayaran Kompaun - 20.00

Why didn't others have to pay the processing fee as well? Blech. That is how it is, people. If you are one of those lucky ones to be randomly picked, I congratulate you. Welcome to the Suckers Club. *roll eyes*

Hopefully my picture will turn out at least semi-presentable. I'm worried coz I'm frightfully unphotogenic. The last time my picture was taken with one of these digital cameras, I came out belonging to the The Undead Photography Club. Thankfully, I've graduated from Curtin and no longer need to flash that horrible picture around. =p

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