Monday, November 03, 2003

IKEA's swedish meatballs

Went to another interview at the Boulevard for the post of junior copywriter, and as usual my chances were 50/50. Bah, I'm applying for junior copywriter, of course I don't really have experience in copywriting. Apparently my journalistic talents do not carry much weight. *blow bangs* Come on people. If you don't give freshies like me a chance to get my foot in the door, how can I one day be one of those "experience required" plebeians?

After that, Zona picked me up to go to IKEA for a little pillow shopping. We had swedish meatballs for lunch and it was oh-so-yummy. Seriously, who (in malaysia) would ever have thought about mixing meatballs and raspberry jam but swedish food connoisseurs?

I like the new IKEA coz it's so huge and the 'food court' is a stroke of genuis. With new dishes and free refills, the new IKEA is a food haven and I bet lunch hours are like inside a sardine can. I can wax lyrical about the meatballs but I won't coz even my tolerance level is not that high. I'm babbling, I know. Whatever. So signing off now.

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