Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Emotional pit stop

My heart feels heavy and oh-so-sore,
For someone I shouldn't have cared for...
Torn emotions all bubbling to the fore,
Bleeding me dry, bleeding ever more...

I did a very foolish thing just now - I went through all my stuff and discovered all my love letters and sentimental this and thats. One soul caught and held my attention. It brought me down deep into that dark abyss which I vowed never to go back to. But I did. Three hours later, I'm an emotional wreck. I read through and touched everything. Reriding that roller coaster messed with my mind and it made me want him back. All those amazing words made me miss what we had and I know that is a dangerous emotion; one that I can never let loose again if I wish to hold on to my sanity and identity. I cannot afford to be an obsession again, only because I'm afraid giving in to that delirium. Hah, what indeed is love? It is hate, passion, love, jeolousy and fear. Fear makes it presense known. It does...

It shouldn't be so. It should never have been. It will never be, again.

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