Monday, August 04, 2003


I didn't realize how distrustful I am of Air Asia’s online booking system. Until the moment came to send my card details, I was actually hesitating and sweating until the moment of action. Such a (perversely Murphy's law) simply click could be dangerous. Haha. Not that I don't trust online transactions, just the server that I'm on. Oh-oh, another betraying thought about Malaysia's less than perfect systems.

Maybe the reason why we distrust our own 'people's ability' is because its the distrust that breeds incompetence. Sort of like a chicken and egg effect. All of us distrust, therefore creating a void and the universal law dictates that all voids shall be filled eventually, and thus our distrust is like a expectation and don't we all love to fulfill expectations? We hear if not perpetuate slander against government servants and the likes, but my mom was a public servant and she's a darn good teacher. Evidently, she gets hailed every time she goes to town and during CNY, there are usually legions of old students waiting to visit with her. I have had the honour of serving said students time and time again. =) So not all public servants are that bad.

Should I even mention race coz it's such a taboo subject around these parts. But then race is a strong factor in this argument simply because of the fact that Malaysia cannot let go of its arcane legacies, if not monolithic. If we were to unite and obliterate all documents on race, we will be stronger than ever. Instead we bicker and fight and create possibilities of civil wars; all because we think we should have certain rights. I know I see it too simple but some things should be viewed simply for the greater good. Blast me if you want if you disagree with my thoughts. ^_^

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