Thursday, August 21, 2003

Good one, Shazza, good one.

Today's weather was especially windy and wet. The rain came up with the sun and it was gloomy and very, very cold. Brrr... Decided to sleep in, so I literally took a rain check with James. Was supposed to meet James in uni for hot chocolate and some footy lessons. I was so excited when he offered to teach me how to 'kick the footy' but then the rain sorta put a damper on rain, didn't it? Bah. Kim and I were suppose to meet Basem for lunch but postponed that too. He is coming over tomorrow for dinner instead. Anyway, we had this ravenous craving for hot soup that we braved the weather and hied ourselves over to Coles and bought 'a few things'. Oh oh oh, we made scones too to go with the bean soup. Ohhhmiawd, it was so good. The moment it came out of the oven, we buttered it liberally and wolfed it down in 10 minutes flat. We had to make another batch to go with the hot soup. Kim had hers with butter and jam; I had mine with butter and vegemite. Blissful... *sigh* Apparently I must be a true Australian if I like Vegemite, and ironically Vegemite isn't made in Australia at all, it being Kraft and all.

Later I did have that hot chocolate with James. He fetched me from Kim's, and we went to Carousel. It was great catching up with him face to face. Well, almost great. I felt awkward for some reason. And I did put my stupid big feet in my mouth once and I felt horrible, I still feel horrible. I asked him why does he limp (I know personal question! But I figure we were friends enough for me to ask... dumbass...) and he said, "What? I limp?" Ohh my major gawd... sigh... good one Sharon. It is just that he walks different – offbeat. I only asked coz I thought he was in an accident or something. There are many times in my life that I wished I were never born, and this is one of them. My cheeks were so red afterwards, but he was all nice and good and said it was okay. It was not okay. Note to self: Don't ask personal questions ever.

Good one Shazza, good one... arrrrghhh!

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