Monday, September 01, 2003

Time to say Farewell

Well, today's my last day here in Perth, and I must say there is a certain sense of closure this time. I've said a sad farewell to this land that I've made a temporary home. I had a great time down in Margaret River - the cottage I mentioned earlier was very nice and cozy. I did not want to leave and leaving was hard. Especially after I was given two gifts. First was when I took an early morning walk on the trail and I spotted a kangaroo grazing just 20 meters from me; it seemed to be serenely unaware of my presence until I saw it's ears flicked at me. I stood there for half an hour watching it graze. Then later that night I saw a shooting star while star gazing in the freezing cold. I just love the night sky when it is not over-shone by city lights. Plus being a tropical native, I find being in a cold country absolutely cool. =p

We did the whole winery tour thing. Drove north first day in margaret river and south the next. We also went to Cape Lavender where they sell lavender bushes and lavender everything, even wines. Got a couple of bottles of the Lavender Dessert Wine - it was superb *smack lips italian style* - plus a few other lavender items. Mom almost bought the store out - she got body lotion, soap, essential oil, hand & nail cream, preserves and other stuff I can't remember as well. Sisters bought a lot of stuff too. They weren't cheap but they were really nice and you can only get them here at the Lavender farm. Then we went to Voyager winery. It really is a very nice place for pictures. We snapped a couple. The estate is landscaped to perfection to achieve the spanish manor look. Very grand too with it's giant fireplace and mantle and all. Anyway, we went to a lot of wineries and we bought a lot of wines. We will have to drink a few bottles so avoid being tax on the way home. No trouble there. Cooking lamb tonight, I'm sure the Sandalford Cabernet Savignon will go famously with the lamb steaks.

Oh and I went down to Augusta this time to see the whales but unfortunately the weather wasn't up to obliging a few eager tourists so the tour was cancelled. Darn. Was so looking forward to that. But Lee Hoon and I did go for the lighthouse tour at Cape Naturaliste where the two oceans meet - the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean. Mom and Lee Ling weren't up to it. Anyway, the wind up there was blowing something fierce. Lee Hoon was clinging to the railing as she felt quite sick being up so high, and with every wind blast threatening to blow her off her feet, Crikey Mate! Hee hee... Going up was a cardio challenge and a great butt workout, but coming down was a mite windy for me - going round in circles several times over even made me a little off balance esp when the steps are sooo narrow. One wrong step and tumble down you go.

(I'll tell you more later coz my internet time is running out and it is darn expensive.) My flight is at 4.30pm tomorrow. Kim is suppose to call me tonight so that we can plan whether or not to go out tonight. I think this will be my last trip to Perth in a long time. This makes me sad. I guess I'll just have to find a great job and makes lotsa moooney and come back for annual holidays or something. (Kim) Yes, I know what I gotta do. *grin* It's a joke between us. Okay time's up. Later dude and dudettes! Signing out from Perth, Western Australia. (Sorry couldn't resist that. =p)

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