Thursday, September 25, 2003

Applied for teaching position. *blank look*

That was my sister's reaction when I told her. Yeah, my own flesh and blood. Sigh. Anyway, I just got home. The interview was at In House Multimedia, a teaching institution in KL. Everyone spoke chinese and I was like totally at sea when the receptionist asked me something in cantonese. It was a whole new world for me. So went in for the interview and found out that if I got the job, I'd be in charge of teaching graphics and advertsing modules in English. Interesting. Their mass communication course is in Mandirin as they are affiliated to a few of Taiwan's colleges and universities. Not bad for a small institution, but of course they specialise in cool multi-medias and graphics.

The interview was okay. Didn't last long. Went in at 9am, came out at 9:35am. Hopefully they'll call me. Wouldn't mind trying my hand at teaching. Hee hee... wondering about my techiniques now. Mommy help me. Maybe I should start drilling my mom about her teaching techniques. Wonder what she'll think of this. Me, teach English - when the only time I know if the verb is right is when I think it sounds right. Mamma mia. Yes one can only laugh or smirk or whatever when one thinks about Me teaching English. So I can write, but can I teach? Maybe I should start small first like tutoring, instead of jumping into the deepend like that. I'll prob forget all my strokes and drown in my own mistakes. What's worse, I'll be surrounded by sharks and I won't know what they're saying!

Then I step into another whole new world - a Putra LRT plastered with KFC's newest look. It felt as though I'd stepped into a toybox. Seriously, it really felt like I was in Barbie's dimension and all. The theme colours though not quite pink, did smack of playing house what with the stickers of teddybears, rocking horse and lamps and all. What the-? So I'll say it - I hate the new KFC look. It just doesn't go with it's present presentation. What they should have painted were spills and rats and flour all over. Now that would have accurately presented their image. KFC trying to be swiss cute *shudder* just doesn't cut it.

Am gonna go to sleep now. I feel blah and kinda tired. I guess my job of respreading the virus for the day is complete. Just being a good Malaysian, like all other good Malaysians.

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