Wednesday, September 17, 2003

The last straw that will break this horse's back

It is 4.30pm in the afternoon and I've yet to catch a wink of sleep since yesterday. Finally decided to blog and maybe it might purge my mind enough to let me sleep. *sigh* This is going from bad to worse. My body is so tired that my fingertips are vibrating everytime a current of air sweeps my way, but my mind persists on staying awake and active. Even my skin is suffering. I feel as though everything is breaking down slowly, bit by bit and I'm helpless to put a muffler on my whirring brain. I am thinking too much. I no longer just read, I think. I really think I'm on the verge of falling into a clinical condition - insomnia. I think it is safe to say that my condition is fast becoming chronic if it isn't already because I have been loosing sleep for the past two weeks. I feel as though that my time is running out. I am still jobless. I've been considering shelving my writing and just settle for a sales job which I've been dreading since forever. *sigh* I'm so tired.

Also in my frenzied imaginings, I came up with a horrible thought. What if I become like my sister who sees *shudder* other worldly people? What if my not getting enough sleep will trigger my 'third eye'? I really, really do not want this to happen. Of course when I was thinking this, I was already all alone at home with everybody gone off to work. I managed to worked myself into such a scare that every creak or thump had my heart racing. In my weak-minded state I started imagining figures (old hunchback women with leathery skin) outside my window looking in, waving to me, calling me walking though the wall towards me. I see shadows in every corner, even under the bed and worse, in bed with me. I really scared myself silly a few hours ago, so much so that going to sleep was impossible.

I. Am. Going. Out. Of. My. Mind.

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