Monday, May 05, 2003

Glue days of old

I've forgotten how fun it is to peel stuff off my body. All this peeling reminds me of those times when I was young when I would smear a light layer of glue over the back of my hand, wait until it dried and peel it off for fun. I wonder if glue is liable to seep into our skin and poison us... if that is the case, then I guess my number will be up soon. @_@ But I must say the action of peeling stuff off is most therapeutic, almost soothing to the inner senses. It must be the peeling action and the result of a perfectly peeled layer and all. I'm a weirdo. I thought I was the only one who did this glue thing but I'm not, coz the little girl in Amelie, the french film does it as well. Amazing, give children glue the world over and they still do the same thing with it besides glueing paper together. Hooray for evolution...

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