Monday, December 01, 2003

First day on the job

I had my lunch in the stairwell. So kesian. I was suppose to have lunch with this girl named Jennifer but she must have forgotten about me, so I went and bungkus nasi - only to discover that we are not allowed to eat odiferous food in the building as the ventilation is bad. No one told me, and there wasn't anyone I could ask either (there wasn't anyone my level around me but the bosses...)

I'm actually blogging during my lunch hour coz I found eating in the stairwell hot and bothersome, and embarassing everytime somebody goes up and down the stairs. So I still have time.

I clocked in on the dot - 8.30am - this morning but only got briefed at 10.48am by Rajeese, my PR manager. During that 2 hours 'free time' I surfed for news and familiarised myself with the productions of Double Visions. Helen came in later and I just spoke a little with her. I'm still very unsure where I fit in. Apparently I'm not Marketing but Public Relations. It will take me time to get my bearings in this company where no one seems to know what's going on with the other depts.

I don't have my computer yet - I have to put in a Requisition Form for my computer and my standard-issued stationary. So many red tape everywhere. Signed the usual forms and a Letter of Consent about my health. I'm not too sure on that one, need to ask Lee Hoon; not that we can do anything about it. *sigh* I hate these legal tangles.

Everyone here speaks Cantonese and I'm like totally clueless about what is being said around me. I'll need to work more on understanding cantonese then. *shudder* There is an inate gene that totally rejects anything cantonese I kid you not. No wonder I've never been able to pick up that garrulous dialect.

AND working in Section 14 is exceptionally fatal for pedestrians. Crossing the road is very dangerous and motorists are speed demons on this stretch of the road. It took me 3 attempts to get to the other side to get my lunch just now. I was cursing the entire time after nearly having my toes amputated by a speeding motorbike. Must be a game to them - get 10 points for each pedestrian runned over! *sheesh* I wish somebody would build a crossover bridge of something. Mark my words, one day someone's gonna get railroaded and then then there'll be hell to pay.

Okay, lunch break's over. Gonna get back to trying to find things to do. Later.

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