Monday, December 08, 2003

More bosses coming in

Aiyoh. There will be three more bigshots coming in this week. Dunno what to think anymore. I have no idea how "things" are going to be defined after this. Wll, no matter, nothing to do with me. I'll just have to make sure that I report only to my 4 original bosses.

My second week is slower though, and it makes me wonder what the heck that this company is trying to do - they are expanding but only in the manager's and director's dept. How about the peons? Don't they need more peons to help them carry their files and type out the reports???

One of my colleague will be leaving at the end of the month. So that is one less peon. Looks like my back is due to break anytime soon by January coz there'll only be two of us left in the Executive position. Die, die, die!

Also there is some confusion as to which department I really am. I'll need to look at my contract to establish this - contract's back home, I'm in the office now - I can't remember what it was though. I'll need to clarify that coz I'll need that information for my name card. It wouldn't be a'tall the thing to misrepresent one's self or one's company. But then all of those company are little pieces of a mother company, sort of like the religious trinity concept - three sides, but one coin. Haha!

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