Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Drowned rat struggling to clock time

It has been pouring miserably since early morning and it has yet to show some signs of stopping. Oh, I also just got drenched by a van. I swear I tried to avoid all the rain-filled potholes but one caught me when my back was turned. ARRGH! I'm so wet and miserable coz I have to sit here in my wet clothes and even squishier high heels. I've blotted them as best as I can and I'll just have to let the aircon dry the rest. I looked like a drowned rat. Great impression for my second day on the job.

Secondly, my punch card is not where it is supposed to be. I supposed it is somewhere in paper limbo or something. It's no use coming in early when I can record it. I'm waiting for the HR person to come in so that I can ask her about it. Jeeze... Where the hell is my punch card??!

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