Thursday, April 01, 2004

Stop the senseless Killing of Seal Pups

I just read an article about the culling of seal pups in Canada in the Malay Mail, Wednesday, March 31, 2004 by Danny Penman and I'm am extremely upset about it.

"From my vantage point nearby, I watched as the men slowly, stealthy, fanned out across the ice. Tens of thousands of young harp seal looked at them expectantly. Many were only two weeks old and this was their first encounter with man. Was it fear or just curiousity in the eyes they raised to greet these new arrivals?

Then, one of the men lifted a steel-tipped club high above his head and brought it down with the full force of his muscular frame, straight onto the head of one of the helpless pups.

The sound of shattering bone echoed into the distance. Canada's seal-clubbing season had begun." - Danny Penman

The pups are then skinned.

Canada is culling its seals to repair the damage they (they fishermen) did to the environment - the decimation of cods in its waters. Remember the news a few years back about Canada's collapsing fishing industry? Well, they are blaming it on the seals and now they are culling them. Idiots. Murderers.

'John Efford, a Canadian Liberal MP, said publicly that he wants the cull to be even larger.

He said: "I would like to see the six million seals, or whatever number is out there, killed and sold or destroyed and burned. I do not care what happens to them. The more they kill, the better I will love it."'

They are killing helpless, lovable, innocent creatures by bashing in their skulls and they are justifying it with "They are taking away our livelihood"??? If anyone is taking away something, it is Man, not Nature and its creatures.

"As the hunters swept across the ice, mother seals would follow them at a safe distance. Soon I realized some were searching for their young. Each crimson carcass was carefully sniffed and nuzzled as they tried to make sense of the slaughter."

This is barbaric. This is unfair. And it has to stop. What can we do? I hope that by blogging about it, more people will be aware of this murder spree going on on the other side of the world.

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