Thursday, February 26, 2004


If one were to compare me last week and me now, one would think that I've indeed done a 180 degree turn. I'm so cheerful and talkative nowadays, making friends everywhere and every turn. Of course I know that I'm only pretending, that I'm only trying not to let my misery be known to all and sunder, but then there is such thing as carrying too far. I've thought about it and I've concluded that I'm actually not quite brittle but getting there. Interesting... what will happen when I crack? Will I go loco, or will I be all quiet and in my own world? Or maybe I'll be something totally unexpected... Time will tell.

Good lord, have I indeed become a flibbertigibbet? Horror of all horrors, when we used to make fun of such persons back then. Eek, no! But then sometimes being a blonde can be useful in certain situations. Indeed.

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