Tuesday, July 22, 2003

I'm sorry

What do you do when you've hurt someone you care about? I knew the consequences when I posted a certain blog broadcasting my frustration and anger at certain friends; I knew it was a double-edged sword yet I did it anyway. While I'm relieved that my 'broadcast' eased my frustration, I am horrified, now, that I've hurt their feelings. This is not something I wish on my friends, yet I did it anyway knowing that the possibility of such consequences existed and now I’m sorry for it. At that time, I thought my entry was justified as it was my blog, but nothing justifies hurting people you care about. I should have had it out with her at the moment of dissension, then I wouldn't feel so disgusted with myself now. I just had a talk with her over a paper cup of soya drink - I explained my part and she explained hers. We finally settled it, but I still feel saddened for my part. I'm sorry, and I hope that we put this pass us as a learning step to a stronger bond.

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