Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Action equals reaction

Yesterday came back from my interview at D&D feeling most put out.. The interview lasted an hour and it started out okay, then leaning on the verge of hostility then settling on a tangent of antagonism. I had to fill out a form five pages deep with questions like Physical and Mental status, vision status, and etc. But I left the siblings section empty. Of course the interviewer noticed and asked, "Why didn't you fill out this part?" quite aggressively whilst thrusting the form in my face! I mean, what the-? I explained that I don't give out details about my family that lightly, after all, this is the FIRST interview. I do not see how details about my family will affect my application. The Interviewer then explained that they use such information when employees applied for leave in relation to their family like sick or dead family members and they will be able to gauge if the employee is telling the truth based on the number of siblings in the initial form; to which I replied I am not yet an employee and I don't see why I can't provide him with all the info he needs IF and WHEN he hires me. I will not make the same mistakes again. Last time I filled that part out, my mom was called up on her hp by some stupid marketing rookie asking her to buy something. Idiots! My family doesn't like it when their details are given out to strangers, and I have to respect that. They think I have no idea about some on their unethical back-alley dealings. Hmmph. If he thinks I'm about to provide him with a free calling list he can take his assumption and stuff it where the sun doesn't shine!

Oh and he wanted a copy of my IC! What the hell? I told him No and he asked why and what did I think he would do with it. I simply replied my copy of IC might be used to buy shares or something. Anything can be forged if bad people have the right 'tools'. To which he replied, I can cross it out, and the reason he wanted the copy is to determine if I'm legit or not. I wanted to flash my IC and my finger at him right there and then. Then the copywriter interjected that the interviewer was only making a point as she could see that I was clearly getting angry.

I don't know if I want to work at this place anymore. It seems nice and the copywriter said she enjoyed working there very much. Maybe the interviewer is testing me. I don't know. Oh well, we'll see two weeks from now then.

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