Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Cutting it close... very close.

I have JUST only booked my accommodation in Auckland! Finally! Yeah, talk about cutting it close - my flight's on the 27th evening - this coming Friday! =P And then the car rental issue is still not settled. This car or that car, how many days, where are we gonna go... blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH! Sigh. I left it up to my sister to handle that after our argument last night at 2am in the morning! At that moment, I didn't care if we get a car or not get one as I was liable to just go and then try to get one in the city. Nothing is undoable. I know, I know. It's better to book ahead. *roll eyes*

Despite some hurdles thrown in my path, I'm finally going to NZ! I've settled most of my things and briefed my superior on some stuff and I'm all set to go! Yay!

Well, not quite. You see... I've not packed yet. I've not decided what to bring, what not to bring and what I should really bring. But then, I'm not too worried. Packing only takes me a few hours, since I've already drawn up a list of essentials and all that. I'll just go home and dust off my luggage and just start throwing things into it. Also, all three of us are sharing the hard-shell Delsey case, as to bring two of the same hard-shell case would ensure that our trunk won't be able to close. So I would still have to crack my head come Friday when all of our stuff is together and I have to figure out a way to make everything fit. Of course we will be carrying smaller individual bags with rollers. But then no one needs to know that.

I'm soooo excited. Am looking forward to this trip. Can't wait to see the valley and mountains, and extinct volcanos - just wonderful wide expanse of natural beauty. *sigh*

So many things to do, so little time! Now where have I heard that before? ^_^

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