Sunday, August 01, 2004

Cut off at the knees

Since MaXX-a-Million has been suspended until further notice, my work load has lessened by loads and I'm now back to doing my usual job scopes, publicity for Double Vision's programmes. It's soooo boring that I'm considering quitting already. I guess it is obvious I don't like writing press releases - it's so dry and flat. There's nothing exciting about doing that. But the one thing I like about this is getting to arrange things. One of the things I learned from managing the Maxx roadshows is that I like managing things. I like being in charge. Who doesn't? I like the calling of suppliers and scouting for things and calling up tons of people and arranging for things to happen. It is more productive than my writing of press releases. And it is my personal opinion that the press people that I've had the privilege to meet so far are snobs. I'm surprise that they listen to bad sources and judge without actual proof. Aren't all journalist suppose to be fair-minded people who are not bias in any way and reserve the right to judge for themselves and not judge based on gossip? Hmmph. If any of you who are reading my blogs are journalists, I hope you're not like that. So far I've met some from big papers and they are snobs.

Oh well, I'll have to meet more so that I can meet the good ones.

All this just makes me question whether I want to join the journalism crowd. I did consider going back to journalism, the profession I was trained for but innately, I rebelled against that idea. I guess maybe I don't like writing as much as I thought. The jury's not out on that one yet.

Going back to the topic, I'm now going home at normal hours. Haha. No more late nights and office take-outs. Of course things aren't totally back to normal yet, there are things to finalise. Loose ends to tie and housekeeping. My project manager asked me to help her translate a script the other day and boy, did I have to relearn my BM. I'm rusty, I need to brush up on my BM language skills. Eeek. Embarrassing la. But I got that done and gave it to Helen. But then she's not native so she doesn't know if it's correct or skewed. Guess she will run it by a native tomorrow. *grin*

Anyway, I feel sad. Even though MaXX was a pain in the butt, I have gotten used to the sting, I was even enjoying myself. You masochist. It just gall that it was not FINISHED. There's no completion, no closure. How can something so huge not have a closure? Seriously, the people who banned SMS contests are pea-brained, 'dungunfied' carcasses who doesn't seem to grasp the fact that humans are intelligent beings, that they are not God and that they can never hope to speak for others other than themselves. Those apes have no idea what they are doing and they are just doing it for the sake of hearing themselves speak. They do not understand anything but they pretend that they have the abilities to understand and spout words! If SMS contests have gambling elements, then ALL contests have gambling elements! That is the point of contests - it's all about chance. There is no such thing as entering a contest and assured a winning spot. If that's the case, then that's CHARITY. Idiots.

Ok, I'll stop ranting now and go back to my search of NZ's accommodations. Yeah, am thinking of going somewhere different this time instead of Perth. ^_^

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