Monday, May 17, 2004

Sleepless nights

It's too hot to sleep at night the past week and if the papers are correct, it's gonna be hot until September. Aiks.

Sis and I was discussion some drastic measures this morning that we could take to overcome this problem.

1. Put in air-conditioner and switch off ALL other appliances.
2. Buy mist fan, but that would dampen beds and stuff.
3. Sleep on the living room floor, but then no security, thieves
broke in through the roof the last time.
4. Sleep on living room floor with metal rods and heavy-duty
torchlights next to us to clobber intruders.
5. Move to a new place soon.

In the end, non viable. So we will have to make do and catch some winks in between tossing and turning on sweat-dampened sheets. Blech...

What I would give to go back to Perth right now. Perth is going into very nice cold weather now. I can only dream... *sigh*

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