Saturday, March 20, 2004

Crackling with furious energy

I was feeling restless and just plain fed up with the world. You see, I got my appraisal today and yes so they want me to continue, and they are happy with me, BUT... I don't feel like blogging about it though I'm not happy with the end. Am I motivated to work better? Yes, but maybe not for this company. There are no rewards working here. None!

Called Estella up and we decided it's high time we went dancing again. Can't remember the last time I went clubbing with Estella - been ages. Brings back fond memories of Perth when we would dance till morning, go back and sleep till night. Those were interesting times.

We met Elise and her friends at Atmosphere and we got in for free coz birthday boy was one of Elise's friend. Got in a couple of vodka shots and we left to go to.... *wait for it* Nouvo! Yay. The club with the radio deejay. Whoopee-freakin'-do. The moment I walked in and ordered my vodka lime, I got hit on by a Nigerian, who wanted to give me his mobile number within 5 minutes of asking for my name. I didn't want to be all 'snubbish' so I gave him my name and shook his hand real business-like and then tried to get my drink asap from the snail-pace waiters. Persistent idiot tried to get my attention by grabbing my waist. Shook him off and told him my 'boyfriend' was waiting for me and waved in the general direction of a bunch of rowdy guys at the other end of the room. Idiot then asked for my number! I mean, D-U-H! Told him no, grabbed my drink and quickly walked towards my 'boyfriend'. Eeeesh... Even in that smoke-filled space, he had bad BO and that smell. As if. You think we are all that easy, you moron?! You want a 'sweet girl' you go to the beach club!

After that icky incident, I was not in the mood to be hit on again. Never liked Nouvo and I stand by my conviction after last night. The guys in there are icky guys. They have hands like grabby-feely octopuses that are just dumb enough that they just might win the Darwin awards one day. I elbowed this guy who tried to pull me back against him and then he tried to push his hand somewhere indecent. I kicked him then.

- side note -
The console is still manned by that horrible radio deejay who plays weird songs and compound that fact by speaking on and off during each song. Your comments about certain songs, people and offers are not welcome. Shut the farden up and just press the Play button, will ya?!
- end -
Among all these alligators, I stumbled upon a young pup who tried to dance with me earlier. He had some pretty good moves - some, and he was polite. I allowed him to come in closer and I ended up dancing with him the rest of the night. But the pup obviously had other things on his mind, things that I want no part in. Declined everything he offered, from the mild offer of a drink to one that is more blatant of meeting up tonight. Bah.

I was a very different Sharon yesterday night. I wore what I want. I went out feeling angry and Devil-may-care - I actually feel empowered in a way because of my crackling anger at something. I couldn't care less about the looks that I got or even what some might think of me when I danced alone or with a stranger.

I didn't go out looking for someone. I went out looking for myself. I still haven't found me. I'm afraid that I may never find me...

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