Thursday, January 08, 2004

Way cool X'mas present from AU

I just got such a cool Christmas present from James in Perth! Guess what he sent? Oooohhh! It was a Terri Irwin Action Figure complete with supplies pack, iguana and Sui, the dog! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I was so tickled with I ripped open the bubble envelop and saw one corner of the toy's packaging with the title Crocodile Hunter leaping out at me. The customs must have opened it up so that they could check for illegally smuggled stuff or something. No wonder it took so long to get here. But of course they sealed it up rather 'convincingly'. But then it is good to know they take their job seriously, unlike some countries.

Thank you, thank you, thank you James! You are soooo sweet. Terri will have the honour of commanding the space on top of my computer and as far as her fake plastic eyes can see from there. ^_^ I'm just itching to put her up now, but I worry that someone might steal her. Sigh. I'll just have to wait till they assign me to my supposedly permanent cubicle in a month, or so they say. Haha, someone should bring life and fun to the office a long time ago, so why not me???

Thank you James. You bought it in K-Mart, right? ^__^

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