Wednesday, July 06, 2005

War of the Fringe

Just watched War of The Worlds. My advice, go buy a DVD.

Lord, I have a fringe! Can you believe it? I've not had a fringe since I was 14! The fool of a hairdresser or so he calls himself totally ruined my haircut! I have a fringe and it's neither long nor short which means it's sticking into my eyes! Blopdy irritating is what they are. I feel like I just wanna chop it off but I'll have to settle for pinning them up for the time being. The fool wanted to fix it and he was crazy if he thought I would let him touch my hair or come near my hair with a pair of scissors ever again.

Not only did the cut was not what I wanted. The hair wash was painful - nails - and the blow-drying... groan. There were 2 of them blow-drying my hair, one pulling one side, the other pulling on the other. I was being tug side to side. It would be hilarious if I weren't so angry. I tolerated it as long as I could but then I saw that one side of my hair was flat and the other puffed up! What the fuck! I waved my hands in the air and shouted, "STOP! Enough! Give me that hair brush!" I had to repair their work and there's not much I can do unless I wet my hair again and start all over again. On top of that, while I was doing my own hair with the two tuggers looking on in uneasiness, the fool of a hair dresser was not even paying attention as he was busy chatting up some pretty girl. I was ready to walk out when he came over to check. Told him I was not happy and that I have a fringe when I specifically told him, "I want it this long so that I can sweep them back over my ears!" What planet is he from that he didn't understand me. Later when I complained he suggested I cut it shorter so it wouldn't be irritating! I wanted to strangle him. As if I would let him touch my hair ever again!

Actually, serve me right for trying to save thirty ringgit. My usual hairdresser in Amcorp is a pro and he is good but he is expensive. Since I was broke this month, thought I save some money. Stupid me. Saving RM30 was not worth it now that I'm stuck with this haircut. Argh!

Not only THAT, the back of my hair is not even! I'm so going back there on Friday when they boss is in.

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