Sunday, January 08, 2006

What is it that makes women lose their heads?

Sometimes I really wonder what is it that makes us women lose our heads when it comes to men? Or rather men they are dating / in love & lust with... Why is it that we cannot think straight when we are around these candidates? Most times, we don't even need to be around them to lose our heads; all they need to do is send a guided missile in the form of smses or emails, and BOOM, our emotions skyrockets! We could be happy, quivering with joy and excitement, annoyed, irritated, jealous, angry, hurt, repressed anger bursting forth in your friends faces, and then sadness and depression. The range of emotions evoked is very exhausting.

But then it's called Living Life. I guess we are all living life then, one way or another, be it sad or otherwise...

Should get back to work and stop moping. Yeah... I should...

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