Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Hair Follicle Flavoured Maggie Mee Goreng

I was having dinner with two colleagues at a mamak stall that I've never been to near the ofc today, for reasons that will be justified later on, when one of my colleague pointed out a strand of what I can only hope is human hair in my maggie mee goreng. Funny thing was that he didn't say anything, he just pointed. It wasn't that long and neither was it short - definitely belonged to a girl and that girl wasn't me. My hair is way longer than that and my hair is not layered. So I don't think it's mine. Gross. I didn't want to appear too sissy to my colleagues so I continued eating my maggie mee goreng flavoured with hair folicles. So I squeezed out my lime on where the strand rested, hoping that the acidity of the lime will kill all hair related germs. I took but a few more bites when he alerted me again that there was another strand of hair in my dinner! And this time it was short. ARGH! What the hell?! Where are all these hair coming from? I really don't think it was me as my hair is long and my hair-dropping rate is not that high!! If it were, then I'd be bald by now seeing that it's been 5 hours since dinner! Both of them were teasing me that those strands were mine and that they should have not told me. Typical illogical male logic. Blech. One of them even suggested that I would not have known if it were all mixed in! Yeah sure, I won't notice that there is someone's DNA flossing my teeth!

My colleague is right about one thing though, I'm never going back to that mamak.

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