Sunday, January 09, 2005

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

I finally read The Da Vinci Code today since it's been sitting on my desk long enough, and by gosh I couldn't for the life of me, put down Dan Brown's book until the 489th page. Half an hour later, I was sitting there trying to assimilate and sort through the almost incomprehensible paradox that Dan Brown has presented to the world through the mass media. I've no doubt that some of the compelling facts in there are noteworthy but the one fact that I couldn't let my mind rest on was the allegation that Jesus was not a Divine Being, that Jesus, the Son of God was a mere mortal, a descendant of King Solomon. I've been brought up believing that He is indeed a Divine Being. But being born into a protestant church, I've my doubts and suspicions about the Catholic Church. I do not believe that our connection to God is through a structure of an organisation or another person, I've always been taught that we are all connected to God. All we need to do is to talk to him personally and He hears us. As humans, it is hard for us to accept certain intangible things - we seem to need to touch and see something before we will ourselves to believe. We indeed to do fear the unknown and unseen, or rather we fear the known and unacceptable fact that is thrust into our faces at times.

I've cannot close my mind to that pertinent fact though that Jesus might just be a man after all, that he was not born of an immaculate conception. Dan Brown presents a very powerful argument. It is hard to write this book off as just another fictional and baseless book. Thought it is probably half-truths presented in a way that is most compelling, but no doubt these suggestions were facts in one point of time or another. Most intresting. We all love a good conspiracy, don't we? ;-)

I can certainly accept the fact that our world used to be matriarchal instead or patriarchal, and that the Catholic Church felt threatened enough and it's certainly powerful enough, to erase history by besmirching other religions and deemed itself holy and other beliefs paganistic and away from The Path. That woman was important and if not above man. That the Bible is the greatest fictional work of all. There was a line that said that the Bible was not faxed from Heaven but it is a work by man. Very amusing when I read that.

Certainly, the history of the Catholic Church is steeped in blood and gore, and lately with scandals of the sexual abuse of choirboys, one can only hope that Dan Brown's fictional work is indeed fiction. The Catholic Church is painted with red in The Da Vinci Code, no wonder they reacted explosively when the book came out and critics trumpeted it as a masterpiece.

As with all fictional works, it is fiction, not real, But it is quite fun to read with so many amazing twists and turns to the story. It's is quite cleverly written and well thought out. Just the thing to challenge your mind and beliefs an let your mind expand tantalisingly beyond boundaries.

Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles, deceiving the stupid multitude.
~ Leonardo Da Vinci ~

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