Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Flew into a haze

I'm back in Malaysia. Whoopeedidooo. Sigh. I miss the clean and fresh air of New Zealand. I can't believe how hazy it is in KL. What the heck happened? Did the cloud of dust and dirt and heaven knows what else just suddenly decided to become a permamnet fixture over the Klang Valley skyline? Sheesh.

Anyway, I'm at work still. I'm supposed to be on leave today as my flight got in late and I knew there were things to do before we could all sleep the jetlag away. I couldn't sleep. I was worried about work, so I came in today. There's a hip-high pile of newspapers that I have to go through, heck a lot emails that I have to attend to, calls I have to return and then there's website. *sigh*

So yeah, I've been pretty busy the past 10 hours. I think I should go home now and sleep. Am so tired. I'll look into posting pictures on my blog soon, I promise.

I've been doing the papers since morning and I'm down to half the pile. Seriously, I think my eyes are crossed from too much speed-reading and scanning...

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