Sunday, November 13, 2005

A fun-filled green night minggling with the media

Jo, me & Sharon at the Heineken Greenspace Media Launch at Courtyard Garden. We all had to wear the Heineken tees... My tee says "Change your view 180 degrees" upside down. How's that for cool?

It's been a crazily busy month for me what with the Heineken Greenspace Media Launch last Thursday. But it was good busy and on Thursday out of the 40 media people we invited, 38 turned up. How's that for good PR? Nah, it was the lure of free beer too. Hee hee. Who can blame them? I would too, plus we had prepared good food that had unpronounceable names and guess who had to come up with those names? Yours truly. And I had to learn to pronounce my unpronouceable food names. It took me 6 hours on the net to check and verify the spelling and pronounciation of the food names that I'd come up with. Ahem I know a little french now. ^_^ Then I later double checked on the pronounciation with the Head of Creative who spoke French. Thank god, I only got 2 pronounciation slightly wrong.

Anyway, the event kicked off smoothly and the media went home happy, literally. Some of them were even singing on their way out. The last journo left about 11pm and the PR team, with the help of another colleague and intern, packed up. I consider this event a success not only because of the final attendance list but alsothe fact that I got the chance to mingle with the media, all in one place, instead of having to visit them one by one as I've been doing the past two weeks.

I'm so glad it's over and now we will have to concentrate on the next big event at the end of the year at Zouk. It's gonna be a majorly huge event with us booking the Main Room, The Loft and the parking lot to carry out the Big Heineken year end Bang. So be there people, this Dec 14 at Zouk!

Okie, now I have to go off and get ready for a wedding dinner in Seremban! My colleagues wedding.

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