Thursday, November 17, 2005

Driving to work...

Driving to work today,

1. I saw my blind neighbour's pick-up of the week waiting patiently for him outside the house in this tiny Kancil with his legs on the opposite dashboard.
2. I remembered to put down the hand brake this time. @_@
3. There was roadkill being picked at by a flock of hungry crows.
4. I think the roadkill I saw was a puppy.
5. I noticed that cars were driving faster than usual
6. I noticed that the MyVi has a blinkers on its side-mirrors
7. I added that extra point to my list of MyVi vs. Iswara list
7. I kept thinking about my appointments today and my TO DO list
8. I decided that will call a reporter friend for teh tarik whilst I'm out
9. I had a horrible "tail-gator" who kept hounding me to drive faster but didn't want to overtake me
10. I set my speed to 70kmp but exceeded it to 90kmp but slowed down just to frustrate the hounder
11. I realised that I'm actually driving to work today!


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