Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Kimberley's pregnant

Here's a picture of Kim, probably one of the nicest friend a person could have. She's due this early May. You can check out her blog and more pregnant pictures at Team Pearman. She's staying in Rockingham at the moment. Very nice place with dolphin sightings, clean and sandy beaches with clear enough water. Not bad eh?

On a more sombre thought, we were supposed to visit Kim this May but had to cancel it as doctors found a tumour in my mom's leg. It's gotten so bad that she can't walk comfortably as it pains her. As if that's not bad enough, the tumour is pressing on a vein and now even bending down to wear clothes is painful. She's done a MRI but she's still waiting for the doctor to conclude if it's benign or malignant. She was suppose to have it taken out this coming 22nd April, but the hospital erred and forgot to schedule my mom's appointment into the system. So now she has to wait again. That's Malaysian government hospital for you. Idiots.

Whoever is reading this post, I humbly ask that you add my mom into your prayers at night. Thank you.

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