Monday, April 16, 2007

I flushed my tag down the toilet bowl

HOLEYKAMOLEY! I accidentally flushed my security tag down the toilet bowl!!! I had just pressed the flush button when I dropped my tag. Since the lanyard was wrapped tightly around the card, my hasty swipe missed it by inches and before I could stick my hand down the churning water, the tag was sucked in and gone! It was a clean flush...

Had to fork out RM30 for a new tag. Now that's money down the drain... I'm actually more mortified and embarassed by the way I lost it than anything else, but for some reason, I can't stop laughing about it.

Edited on 17 April 2007
Omigosh... I just had a thought. I sincerely hope that the tag didn't get stuck somewhere in the pipe. Coz if the toilet overflows, the building's management will have to call the plumber and....*crap*... my name and company details is on that tag... @_@

Edited on 20 April 2007
F*ck! My nightmare came true...