Saturday, August 13, 2005

We are being gassed in our sleep!

For the past one week, I've been sleeping very well. So well that it's very difficult to wake up which is very weird coz I'm a light sleeper. I've never been able to sleep so deep since I was wearing pinafores. I'm usually awake when my sister wakes up at 6am, I'm aware whenever the bed creaks, or when Whisker barks, or when the other sister gets up to pee. But the past one week, I've been sleeping like a log - I wouldn't even so far as twitch if a monitor lizard were to clamber over me.

The reason? The haze. I think we are being gassed! During the day and in our sleep no less! TV is right, FOG YOU INDONESIA! I would rather much say the other more violent and cruder word, but I won't. But in my mind, I've already repeated it with every wheeze I make.

The situation has become so bad that my asthma has been choking me the past one week. Plus the fact that I've flu the previous week; it's a double whammo for me. I've been having green, sticky clumps of thick phlegm for more than 10 days now! 10 days?! The first dose of antibiotics weren't strong enough and the second stronger dose cost me RM75 per strip! Lord... that hurts more than my chest.

Why are we letting this go on EVERY year? Why are we letting them get away with it? Not only that, but we find out that our own citizens are part of the "Gas Malaysians to Death" plot! They are causing Malaysians untold amounts of money, and our health is suffering! And what about the impact to Nature and the world? The ill effects of Indonesia's selfish and idiotic actions will reverberate negatively in the future, and they are contributing to shortening the Life of the World and its inhabitants. Yes, we are all contributing to the world's demise but they have just delivered one mighty blow to the world's health.

If possible, we should gather all the smog ever created by them and let it rest above Indonesia's head. See how they will like it if they have to breath poisonous fumes every second.

So for today only, Saturday, I thank The Lord for giving us a change of wind direction. I'm just sorry that it's not blowing southwest towards the Land of Pit Fires and lawless citizens. It would serve them right to breath and choke on their own careless and mindless deeds.

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