Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Week of bad luck

(Image source: today/safety/back.jpg)

It's been hell of a 2 weeks. First there was that toilet incident and then now, I've sprained my back, caught a viral flu and have a bloody pimple growing in my ear. Talk about suay (bad luck)... *sigh*

I'm better now after countless doses of pain killers and muscle relaxant provided by the good doctor. I've been floating and a little loopy the whole day today when I went back to work. But I'm so damn miserable - not being able to sleep properly because of my aching back as well as the itch at the back of my throat and coughing non-stop the whole night.

Y'know, all I did was bend over to get something and I felt my muscle protest and then give, and a sharp pain shot up from my lower back. The heavy stuff wasn't even in my hands when it happened. It was painful enough for me to be confined to the bed for 3 days and not being able to dress myself with dignity. It's gonna be a month before I can attempt any heavy lifting.

There goes my Redang diving trip.
