Monday, October 24, 2005

Sailing aft into the sunset?

I feel like I should blog something about my new job, as a marker in this new chapter of my life.

It's been 24 days since I started working at my new job at this PR firm in Midvalley. The first week was slow; not the scenario I was expecting: Me, sailing in the big ocean and suddenly my shipmates throw me overboard and yells "Sink or Swim!" So, for the first week, I strolled around the deck, familiarising myself and "tacking" when need be. Second week was just easing my toes into the water and the third week was a full body soaking! I thought I was making headway this week when my keel hit a sandbar. I was stuck! I was hoping that the Wind might provide some leeway for me to rock myself free but presently I'm still stuck. I hope the Wind blows tonight and the water level will rise and set me free to go where the Wind blows. =P

Just a little faux sailing sea salt there... hee hee

I think I'm doing okay and I seem content here. But we all know that it is still too early into the game to tell for sure.

Will keep you updated.

If you thought that I might have been a little cookoo when I wrote this, you're half right! @__@ I'm still at work.

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